Why Sora is Largely Absent from Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna 

Leading up to the Japanese release of Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna came DIGIMON ADVENTURE 20th memorial story “To Sora”–a short six minute special episode about a now adult Sora struggling with the guilt of letting others down.

Image source: 【公式】デジモンアドベンチャー LAST EVOLUTION 絆 on Twitter

Set during film itself, we find that Sora has drifted apart from the group. While the rest of her old friends continue to deploy to various digimon-related incidents, she’s stopped responding–pretty much ghosting her teammates even on their shared chat.

Ostensibly, this is because Sora is busy preparing an entry for her mother’s upcoming flower arrangement competition. The stress of knowing that if she looks bad her mother will, by proxy, also look bad, has turned her into a nervous wreck–so much so that she even snaps at Biyomon when the digimon comes to check on her. She tells herself that she has to focus and that’s why she is ignoring her friends.

However, the truth is far more simple. She isn’t ghosting her friends because of stress or because she suddenly doesn’t care about them–it’s because she feels guilty for letting them down. When Sora was sucked into the digital world and partnered with Biyomon at age 11, no one told her that being a DigiDestined was a lifetime commitment. And at that age, something like that wouldn’t have even crossed her mind.

But now, at 22, she has her own dreams and with college at an end, is ready to enter the working world. However, the expectations remain. Her mother wants her to follow in her footsteps and the fact remains that she is a DigiDestined–and has been one for half her entire life. 

It’s no surprise that she wants out of both things–and it’s not an unreasonable thing to ask–but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel stupidly guilty about it.

Image source: 【公式】デジモンアドベンチャー LAST EVOLUTION 絆 on Twitter

Luckily, her talk with Mimi sets things in perspective. Mimi is jet-setting around the world for her company, Joe is in med school, and Izzy is coordinating relations between the real world and the digital world. Everyone is on their own individual paths–or are searching for them in the case of Matt and Tai. There’s no need to feel bad about not fighting giant monster battles–even if your reason is simply not wanting to any longer. Moreover, there are currently 30,000 DigiDestined in the world. It’s not like it was when it was eight people against the world.

And so Sora decides she’s done with it–done with trying to live up to her mother’s name and done with being a DigiDestined. But just because she’s done, that doesn’t mean she’s abandoning her friends and family. She loves them just as much as always. All she wants to do is to strive for a future that makes her happy.

It’s a hard choice but one each of us must make to find happiness in the adult world.

DIGIMON ADVENTURE 20th memorial story “To Sora” can be watched for free on YouTube with English subtitles.

Top image source: 【公式】デジモンアドベンチャー LAST EVOLUTION 絆 on Twitter

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  1. DigiDestinedKid
    September 28, 2020

    addition, the fact that Sora want to chase her dreams is true, and by doing that she actualy “grown up” and become matured early than her friends, which lead to biyomon “vanish” like in the last movie ( Last evoluti0n kizuna) even in the movie, there is a scene where they show Sora digivice already become “stoned”.

    in conclusion, Biyomon already gone along time ago, and sora felt dissapointed with herself, but in the movie she already on moved on phase and keep believing for her friends.

  2. keoseer
    October 10, 2020

    The another reason: She already lost Biyomon before Taichi and Yamato clock’s ticking.
    And in her very Sora way, she chose not to tell the gang about the clock, so they don’t worry about her and about their digimon partner.

  3. Dillon Elliott
    October 10, 2020

    It is also because her Digimon disappeared. If you look at the scene where she says “I believe in you all,” near the end, her Digivice turned to stone. Exactly what happened to Tai and Matt’s at the end.

  4. Sigma
    November 15, 2020

    “no one told her that being a DigiDestined was a lifetime commitment”
    Well, that’s the entire point of the movie isn’t it? And she came to the point of needing to grow up from that earlier than the rest

  5. DmonHiro
    July 31, 2022

    That’s, not exactly the reason though. Just part of it. Sora had accepted her future and had truly grown up. It fits how her character was always the most mature one. But that also means she lost her partner first. I believe she was the first one to experience the rings on her digivice, but she didn’t tell anyone about it. She also lost Piyomon before the final battle even began. She was simply the first to grow up.

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