The Ending of Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time Explained

With its stream of consciousness storytelling, musings on the nature of interpersonal relationships, and a healthy helping of giant robots punching each other in the face, it’s understandable to be a bit confused by the ending of the final Rebuild of Evangelion film, Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time—especially after your first watch. So let’s break down not only what happened but also what it means on both a storytelling and thematic level.

Note: This article contains major spoilers for Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time.

Image source: 株式会社カラー khara inc.official on YouTube

At the climax of the film, Shinji once again gets back into the cockpit of Evangelion Unit 01 to face his father within the “Anti-Universe”—a place where thought becomes reality. As they fight, they jump from location to location. Their surroundings, be they Tokyo-3 or Misato’s dining room, are recreations drawn subconsciously from their memories. However, without a conscious focus on building their reality, these locations are only “real” on a surface level—hence the live-action film set aesthetic whenever they push things too far. It is a way to visualize Shinji and Gendo’ powers of creation within the Anti-Universe. After all, what is the film-making process if not the creation of a new reality?

Of course, in such a place where thoughts become reality, combat ability doesn’t matter. Only mental strength does. Neither Gendo nor Shinji can be defeated until the other gives up. Realizing this, Shinji takes Kensuke’s advice from earlier in the film and decides to finally, after all this time, talk it out with his father.

Back in the normal universe, Misato, Ritsuko, and the crew of the Wunder start preparing to use the spine of the flying ship to form a new spear. While the Spear of Longinus represents despair and resets humanity to try again and the Spear of Cassius represents hope and elevates humanity to a new plane of existence, the new spear that Misato and crew plan to make will reject both—granting humanity the ability to continue on as is.

Inside the Anti-Universe, Gendo seeks to use the Spear of Longinus and the Spear of Cassius together with the Black Lilith, “Evangelion Imaginary,” to meld the world of thought inside the Anti-Universe with the real world outside in the normal universe. In this way, he will cause an “Additional Impact” and rewrite the world to make his wish come true: to be with his wife, Yui, once more.

Image source: エヴァンゲリオン公式 on Twitter

As the end of the world begins on the outside, with the giant Lillith appearing to absorb the souls of those still living, Shinji approaches Gendo within the Anti-Universe. This causes AT fields to appear around Gendo but instead of fighting, Shinji returns the SDAT tape player to Gendo—the only gift he ever got from his father. This kindness easily penetrates the AT fields. Gendo reveals his past and motivations to Shinji—explaining how he suffered like Shinji when it came to forging relationships, believing that it was better to be alone.

Then he met Yui and she changed his entire world—showing his previous beliefs to be nothing more than lies he told himself to make life bearable. Everything was perfect as long as he had her. But with her death, his world fell apart.

Driven to get her back, he tried to resurrect her in the form of Rei but Rei never had Yui’s soul. Faced with that failure, he decided to go all out and co-opt Seele’s plans for The Human Instrumentality Project. And now, having done that, he plans to use the Additional Impact to make a world free of strife, filled with nothing but purified souls. It is here his soul will be with Yui’s once more.

Image source: 株式会社カラー khara inc.official on YouTube

Gendo’s musings are interrupted as Misato, back in the normal universe, sacrifices herself and the Wunder to get the newly created Spear of Gaius to Shinji. In her last moments, she stares at the picture of her two “sons,” the one she birthed, Ryoji, and the one she raised, Shinji—knowing that they now will have a chance to live on.

Back inside on the all-too-literal train of thought, Gendo reflects on his relationship with his own son. He believed Shinji’s life would be better without him in it. But now, in the face of the unwavering love of a mother for her children, Gendo realizes that he was wrong. And in the process, he understands that Yui’s soul was inside Shinji all along. To get the human connection he was longing for, all he needed to do was not abandon his son. Shaken profoundly, Gendo gets off the train, fully relinquishing control of the Additional Impact to Shinji.

It is then that Shinji is joined by the soul of Kaoru who asks Shinji for his wish.

Image source: 株式会社カラー khara inc.official on YouTube

When this moment happened back in the End of Evangelion, Shinji’s wish was to be alone so that no one could ever hurt him again. However, after that came to pass, he reflected on all he had experienced in the TV series and decided human connection was worth the emotional pain it would cause—leaving him and a disgusted Asuka on the beach in the film’s final scene.

However, the Shinji of Thrice Upon a Time has learned a far different lesson thanks to his time in Village-3 earlier in the film. You shouldn’t give love expecting love in return. You should give love selflessly because you care about those around you and want them to obtain happiness. Thus, Shinji’s wish in Thrice Upon a Time isn’t for himself, but for those he cares about—starting with Asuka.

Image source: 株式会社カラー khara inc.official on YouTube

Within Unit 13, Asuka’s soul dreams about her past where it is revealed that, like Rei, she is a clone and is but one of many. But out of all the other Asukas she was the one to stand out—to become the final remaining Asuka. However, even then she couldn’t get the love and recognition she wanted—the love she saw from families all around her. However, in this dream she finds herself comforted by Kensuke, the man who sees her only as “Asuka,” the woman he loves, and nothing more.

Asuka awakens beside Shinji on the beach from The End of Evangelion. In that film Shinji brings Asuka back to life for his own personal gain—i.e., gives her life for the sole reason that he doesn’t want to be lonely. However, the Thrice Upon a Time, Shinji only wants to tell her his feelings before he lets her go to claim the happiness that awaits her. He thanks her for liking him back when they were kids and admits he liked her too before recombining her body and soul inside Unit 13’s entry plug and ejecting her out of the Impact so she can be with the person she actually loves: Kensuke.

Then comes Kaoru’s turn. In the midst of the Additional Impact with the Spear of Gaius in hand, Shinji can see that the story of Evangelion has happened again and again in various ways. Kaoru, on the other hand, has actually experienced all of these timelines. His existence has been to live these events over and over for all eternity. And while Kaoru has claimed it is his wish to make Shinji happy, what he really longs for is to be happy himself. So Shinji places Kaoru within a timeline where he, Kaji, and Misato can retire in peace.

Image source: 株式会社カラー khara inc.official on YouTube

Lastly, it is Rei’s turn. In her arms, she holds a doll with the name of Toji’s daughter, “Tsubame,” written on it. Shinji takes this as a sign and decides to create an entirely new world for her: a world without Evangelions where Rei can learn the pleasure of a normal life like her counterpart “Rei 06” did at the start of the film. He ushers her through the gate into this world as it’s being created, telling her that he’ll catch up with her as soon as Mari arrives—as he had promised to wait for her.

However, Shinji soon realizes that to create this new world, he must first eliminate Evangelions from the equation, impaling both the Evangelion and himself with the new spear. This in turn means he will not be alive to enter this new world himself but it is a sacrifice he is willing to make for humanity.

However, as he tries to impale himself, the spirit of his mother stops him and ejects him from Unit 01. With her in Unit 01 and Unit in Eva 13, they make the sacrifice for him, ensuring that their child will be able to find happiness in the world he has created.

With this done, the Additional Impact starts to end and the creation of Shiji’s new world begins. As the souls of all those who have died are reformed into the people to populate the new world, Shinji sits alone on the beach from The End of Evangelion—though now with a bright sky and beautiful clear water.

Image source: 株式会社カラー on Twitter

The animation degrades, first losing color and then becoming nothing more than keyframes as the new world is completed and the imaginary one disappears. But moments before it does, Mari arrives in her Evangelion—which has survived for so long because it is not one Eva but many in a single body. She leaves it as it disappears and moves to join Shinji on the beach—to be his companion in the new world.

This is in direct contrast to The End of Evangelion where Shinji forced Asuka to be his companion—literally making this the reason for her existence (regardless of whether she loved him or not). In Thrice Upon a Time, Mari has chosen to accompany Shinji of her own free will.

Now to be clear, Mari doesn’t really know Shinji. They aren’t friends. In fact, this is the fourth time they’ve ever met. However, his selflessness for those he cares about has shown her what kind of man he has grown up to be. And that is someone she wants to be with (not necessarily romantically) in this new world.

And so the pair appear in the new world. Shinji, the boy who has been 14-years old since we first met him in 1995, has finally grown into a man. He sits in a train station. On the opposing platform, he sees this world’s versions of Rei, Asuka, and Kaoru. Behind him is Mari. Covering his eyes, she repeats what she said to him earlier in the film—showing that she, like himself, still remembers the world they came from. Filled with happiness, the two of them run smiling into the new world they created, the “Neon Genesis without Evangelions.”

As the camera pans out, the animation falls away and becomes live-action—showing a random piece of this new world—our world. And moments before the film cuts to black, Hikaru Utada’s “One Kiss” speaks the final words of the film: “I love you more than you’ll ever know.”

This echoes the message of the film—the moral that Shinji learned over the course of the story. If you selflessly love those around you and strive to help them attain happiness, you’ll never be alone yourself. People will respond in kind. This is how we can all make our lives—and our world—a better place.

And I don’t know about you but to me, that’s a damned hopeful note to end a franchise on.

Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time was released in Japanese theaters on March 8, 2021. There is currently no word on a North American release.

Top image source: 株式会社カラー khara inc.official on YouTube.

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  1. billy
    April 7, 2021

    Did misato and ritsuko get resurrected?

    • Richard Eisenbeis
      April 7, 2021

      Ritsuko didn’t die. She abandoned the ship with the rest of the crew. And it’s implied that Misato would be put in the reality that Kaji and Kaworu retire to.

      • Tae
        August 13, 2021

        Does that mean Shinji made not one, but multiple different realities for everyone including the one he is in right now with Mari? And all the original characters are in their own separate worlds?

        • Richard Eisenbeis
          August 18, 2021

          The way I see it, Shinji placed the souls of Rebuild Kaworu, Misato, and Kaji in an already existing reality where they could live their lives in peace–in a reality where Kaworu was the head of Nerv, humanity beat the angles, and the Third Impact never happened. Likewise, he put Asuka back into the Rebuild reality to find her happiness with Kensuke, The trick with the new reality for him, Rei, and Mari is that all already existing realities had Evangelions in them by necessity. To create a reality without Evangelions, the cycle must be broken. There are infinite realities with Evangelions but only one without: our reality.

  2. Joshiko
    May 30, 2021

    Thanks for this resume, I think it’s very good, but I have a question. So, where is Asuka at the end, in the new world Shinji created without Evas for Rei, or in the “Rebuild” world (I mean, the world where the movie takes place) with Kensuke?

    • Richard Eisenbeis
      July 2, 2021

      There is an Asuka in the new world without Evas but it is not the Asuka we know. That Asuka remained with Kensuke in the “Rebuild” world.

  3. Tomi
    August 15, 2021

    It’s so strange that Asuka has been a clone from the beginning of 1.0 when she talk to her doll about her mom and dad like that, could it be that Asuka died in 2.0 and the one we see in 3.0 and the final is the clone?

    • Richard Eisenbeis
      August 18, 2021

      I agree it’s strange. I’m betting the clone idea is a retcon and not originally planned when 1.0 and 2.0 were created. As for Asuka, It’s pretty clear she’s the same person from 1.0 and 2.0. The whole reason she is mad at Shinji in 3.0 (and 3.0+1.0) is the fact that she remembers that, when she was being invaded by an angel, he did nothing. He didn’t kill her to save the world nor did he fight the corrupted Eva to save her. This childhood passiveness that blames the world for everything and takes no self-responsibility is what upsets her. It’s why she is so angry when she force-feeds him in 3.0+1.0. He won’t decide to live nor will he decide to die. Instead, he just sits there and does nothing–blaming everything but himself. It’s only when he accepts the food from Rei–when he makes the choice to live, that he starts to finally grow up. And by the end of the film, completes this jouney.

  4. Sabrina
    August 15, 2021

    Thank you for this summary! I marathoned all 4 Rebuilds so I could follow the plot from beginning to end. Shinji stands up for himself more than he did in the original anime’s timeline, but in turn he has to face the monumental consequences of his actions. By the end he learns how to really connect with others rather than rebuking and rejecting them, despite his own trauma and insecurities. I found the ending incredibly powerful. Once again Anno encourages the audience to be wary of escapism and embrace the world around us.
    I’m still looking for clarity about two things. First, why did Rei-02 and Fuyutski burst into LCL while everyone else did not? And what do you make of the interaction between Kaworu and Kaji — were Kaji’s actions motivated by an alliance with Kaworu to try and break the eternal cycle that he was trapped in, thereby thwarting SEELE and protecting Misato in the process? That’s what I inferred from the “Commander Nagasi” title. I may be reading into it too much, but you can never infer too much when it comes to Evangelion.

    • Richard Eisenbeis
      August 18, 2021

      Rei Q burst into LCL because of her nature as a half-angel. Without her regular adjustments at Nerv HQ, her AT-field failed and she burst into the building blocks of life: LCL. Fuyutski, on the other hand, bursts because, as part of the Impact, all people’s AT-fields are destroyed so their souls can be set free. (We see this happen in The End of Eva’s third impact as well.) The reason everyone else did not is because they were protected by the Anti-L System (the red and black tubes that protect the village all the civilians live in). Pilots of Eva’s are likewise protected by their Eva’s AT fields.

      As for “Commander Nagasi,” I take that scene to mean that Shinji placed the souls of Rebuild Kaworu, Misato, and Kaji in an already existing reality where they could live their lives in peace–in a reality where Kaworu was the head of Nerv, humanity beat the angles, and the Third Impact never happened.

  5. August 30, 2021

    Thank you so much for your thoughts on the movie! I hope you’re still monitoring these comments because I’ve only seen one other person notice what I’m about to ask:

    What is your take on the disappearing and reappearing people and train on the platform depending on if it was Shinji’s point of view or ours?

    Your thoughts on him sending people to multiple worlds made me feel better about the ending but the issue with the train and people still throws me off. I went back and watched the different places the people went but didn’t see the part where he says he would be following Rei once Mari found him, just that he would be going to a place without Evas as well.

    I also don’t understand why Kaoru and Rei need to be in realities different from the one Shinji is making for himself and Mari? Also why do you think it is we don’t we see Misato with Kaoru and Kaji at all?

    Finally, the cycle is still going to continue isn’t it? Even if we say the Shinjis in each story are all unique and this one did what he did for this story’s characters, he didn’t break whatever is causing the cycle to repeat. Or did he?

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