Recently, servant coins were added into the Japanese version of Fate/Grand Order. This new power-up item can be used to level a servant from level 100 to level 120 or used to unlock three new passive skills called “Append Skills.” However, these coins aren’t exactly easy to come by.
At the moment, there are only two ways to get servant coins for each servant: 1) increase your bond level with that servant or 2) get another copy of that servant from the gatcha/events. This means, unless you have money to burn, your servant coins will be extremely limited. So let’s break down the options.

Leveling to 120:
To level a servant from 100 to 120 requires 10 grails and 300 servant coins. Moreover, each level from 100 to 120 takes the same amount of EXP as level 1-100 did—meaning it’s going to take a while to grind the needed EXP even with the new daily five-star EXP nodes.

Append Skills:
Each character has three Append Skills that can be unlocked for 120 servant coins apiece. The first skill ups the damage, NP gain, and star drop rate on a servants extra card by 30% (level 1) to 50% (level 10). The second skill gives a servant an NP gauge between 10% (level 1 and 20% (level 10) at the start of each battle. The third skill either gives a servant a 20% (level 1) to 30% (level 10) damage boost against servants of a specific class or, in the case of berserkers, lowers the chance of receiving critical damage from a specific class by 20% (level 1) to 30% (level 10). Each of these skills can be leveled up just like normal skills using materials dropped from various monsters or earned in events.
What You Should Spend Your Coins On:

In terms of overall damage and versatility, it is better to use your coins to level a servant to 120 then to spend them on Append Skills—you also get a massive bonus in HP as well, after all. That said, if you have a servant with some coins laying around that you never plan to level past 100, spending them on Append Skills might not be a bad idea. In general, you want to spend them on either the first Append Skill (to get more use out of your extra chains) or the second (to get a servant to use their NP sooner).
In general, third Append Skills are less useful as they tend to be off-class—meaning they allow a servant to do additional damage to a class they’re not usually strong against. However, there are a few exceptions—and it’s for these servants that the third Append Skills are totally worthwhile.
Servants with Synergistic Third Append Skills:

Stheno (Assassin)
Third Append Skill: Attack up 20% to 30% against Riders.

Okita Sōji (Alter) (Alter Ego)
Third Append Skill: Attack up 20% to 30% against Casters.

Passionlip (Alter Ego)
Third Append Skill: Attack up 20% to 30% against Assassins.

Abigail Williams (Foreigner)
Third Append Skill: Attack up 20% to 30% against Berserkers.

Katsushika Hokusai (Foreigner)
Third Append Skill: Attack up 20% to 30% against Berserkers.

Mysterious Idol X (Alter) (Foreigner)
Third Append Skill: Attack up 20% to 30% against Berserkers.

Sesshōin Kiara (Alter Ego)
Third Append Skill: Attack up 20% to 30% against Rulers.
While Alter Egos usually are not weak or strong against rulers, Kiara is the exception. Her passive Nega Saver skill grants her a natural +50% attack against Rulers. Add the third Append Skill to this (and perhaps the Nun of a Merciful Gaze and Warm Expression command code) and she’ll basically be doing as much damage to Rulers as an Avenger would.

Mysterious Heroine X (Assassin)
Third Append Skill: Attack up 20% to 30% against Sabers.
While she may be an assassin by class, her kit is all about killing off those pesky Sabers—which makes sense given her story in the game. Her skill Galaxy Meteor Sword XEX boosts her attack against sabers by 30% to 50% and her NP, Secret Calibur: Sword of Unsigned Victory, does extra damage to Saberface characters—many of which are, you guessed it, Sabers. Throw on the Star-Eradicating Wicked Holy Sword, Cosmic Balance, and Anti-Saber Final Armament command codes and she’ll be killing sabers as if she were an archer all along.

Mash Kyrielight (Shielder)
Third Append Skill: Attack up 20% to 30% against all extra classes.
Given that A) we are often forced to use Mash, B) that she costs 0 AP to field, and C) that we are unable to level her beyond 90, giving her an extra 30% damage against all Shielder, Ruler, Avenger, Moon Cancer, Alter Ego, Foreigner, Beast I, Beast II, Beast III/R&L, and Beast Unknown servants should be a no-brainer.
Top Image Copyright: ©TYPE-Moon / FGO PROJECT
I’m curious about append skills that offer extra damage against berserkers for servants who are great damage dealers, even if they don’t have specific class advantage, like Musashi (saber). I’m having a rough time deciding whether to use my coins to give her the NP starting boost or class damage against berserkers! Thanks for this arricle.